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Year 2 Class Page



Year 2 Curriculum Map

Year 2 Summer Curriculum Letter

Hello and welcome to the Year 2 page! This is where you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 2 this term.

Remember: it's really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn.


Spring Term

Humanities - Nurturing Nurses: Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, and Edith Cavell. 
Big Question: How can significant individuals change history?

As historians, we will:

  • Compare different historical figures, their lives and experiences.
  • Locate significant historical people on a timeline.
  • Explore the different experiences of individuals based on their time period, locations, wealth, skin colour, and gender.
  • Consider how an individual’s work can create historical change?


Science - Everyday materials
Big Question: How are materials chosen in design?

As scientists, we will:

  • Investigate what materials are.
  • Consider the properties of different materials.
  • Evaluate why different materials are best fit to different purposes.
  • Make design decisions based on material properties and object uses.


Supporting Learning at Home

If you are looking for at-home activities that relate to what children are doing in Year 2 Spring Term, the following exercises may be useful.

  • Practice using money. With pocket change or coins from around the house, ask your child to count, sort, and compare amounts of money. What could they buy with this amount? How much more would they need to reach £2? Or £10?
  • Write down questions. Children could prepare questions to ask a friend or family member, remembering to start a question with a capital letter, a question word (who, what, when, etc) and end it with a question mark.
  • Identify materials. Indoors or outside, your child might want to label the different materials that objects and buildings are made out of. You can discuss the properties of the materials. Why build a house out of brick and not fabric? Why is a spoon made of metal not wool?
  • Write a thank you note to an everyday hero. As we learn about pioneering nurses from history, children may also want to think about everyday heroes they know and encounter. Who has helping jobs in the community (postal workers, transit workers, healthcare professionals, etc)? How do they make our lives better every day?
  • Practice skip counting. In Year 2, students should regularly practice skip counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s. Children can practice skip counting as high as they can or write their own song or rhyme to help them remember.
  • Make a safety poster. In PSHE this term, we are focussing on indoor, outdoor, and online safety. What does your child think is the most important part of keeping safe in different environments? What advice might they give to a younger student, sibling, or cousin to keep them safe?


Homework is sent out every Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. Please remember that your role is to support the children - not do the work for them.

Homework is set online using Numbots/TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed. Log on each week to see your set activities. Your child will have their passwords in their reading book. If you need any help with the homework or passwords then please come and chat to class teachers and TAs.



Children need to read at home every day, ideally with an adult. Your child will take home a book that is appropriate for their reading level and we ask that they record a comment each day in their yellow reading journal and return this to school. Reading journals are checked daily so that we know how well a child is engaging with the book and when it needs changing. If your child is struggling with a particular book please let us know.


Phase 3 Phonics Pronunciation

Phase 2 Phonics Pronunciation

Phase 5 Phonics Pronunciation

Busy Things

BBC Bitesize