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School Day



We have a breakfast club which runs from 8- 8:50am each day. As well as offering a healthy breakfast, children can play a range of games and activities.

Our school gates open at 8:45am and children can come straight in to class, meet their friends and be ready for the register at 9:00am. We ask that parents arrive in plenty of time to ensure a nice calm start to the day for their child. Children in our Nursery and Reception classes also start at 9:00am with parents bringing their children into the Early Years entrance at the front of the school. Parents are welcome to remain with their children to ensure they are settled and ready to learn with their friends.

Our Early Years and key stage 1 classes spend the first part of each day focusing on phonics and reading. We use a very structured approach to teaching phonics called Little Wandle and it is important that children are at school on time ready for the start of the lesson. The reading lesson focuses on children using their phonic knowledge to read the text but there are also opportunities to learn a range of broader reading strategies and develop a love of stories and books. In key stage 2, the children also focus on reading at the start of the day. We have trained all our staff on an approach to reading called "Destination Reader" which focuses on developing reading comprehension and vocabulary. The remainder of the morning is spent focusing on the core subjects of maths and literacy. We try to bring subjects to life through planning tasks that are cross curricular and encourage the children to apply their skills in a range of contexts.

Our daily act of collective worship takes place first thing in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and at 3:00pm on Monday and Thursday. These provide opportunities to explore our school vision and values through stories, songs and drama. Each Friday we celebrate our children's achievements through class assemblies to which parents are warmly welcomed.

Lunchtimes are staggered with Nursery having lunch first, followed by Reception class. Our older pupils support the younger children at lunchtimes, with Year 6 linking with Year 1 and Year 5 supporting Year 2. Lunchtime is also a time to socialise, play and be active in our playgrounds.

During the afternoons, we focus on the wider curriculum with much of the learning being cross curricular based on a humanities or science theme. Children also swim at the local swimming pool and attend Archway library.

Our school day finishes at 3:30pm for all classes and parents are asked to collect their children promptly if they are not attending the after school club.

Our after school club (Buzz Club) runs until 6:00pm and offers a wide range of activities including arts, sports, cookery and computing. Children receive a warm snack while at the club and we try to meet their preferences wherever possible. You can find out more about our Breakfast and Buzz clubs in the Parents section of the website.