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Year 1 Class Page



Year 1 Curriculum Map


Welcome to our class page where you can find out about what we are learning and see pictures of some of our highlights. There is also a parent resources section below where you will find links to excellent learning resources that you can use with your child at home. 

Summer Term

Welcome to the Summer section of our class page.

You can find out about what we are learning this term by clicking here to see our curriculum letter for parents.



‘What are the parts of a plant and what do they do to help it live?’

Our Science topic this term is 'Plants'. We will learn to name and describe some garden and wild plants and trees and will look carefully at the different parts of a plant. We will look carefully at seeds, planting them and watching them grow.


Our humanities topic this term is about the significance of our local area. Our big question is Where can I go from Archway?

We will be focusing on our local area of Archway. We will explore the area and draw maps of it. We will continue to learn the 4 countries of the UK and also to locate London on a map. We will also know the names of the seven continents and 5 seas and will name and identify the countries and capital cities of the UK.


Spring Term

Welcome to the Spring section of our class page.

You can find out about what we are learning this term by clicking here to see our curriculum letter for parents.


Our Science topic this term is materials and our big question is how can we describe different materials?

In Science this term we will be exploring different materials and learning to distinguish between the object and the materials it is made from. We will name and describe the properties of everyday materials including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock. We will then use the information we have learnt to conduct simple experiments testing the different properties of different materials. Please help your children by talking about what things are made of at home and by describing how they feel and look.


Our humanities topic this term is the Great Fire of London, with the big question - Why was it called the Great Fire?

We will be learning about the Great Fire of London. We will learn to sequence the key events and use sources to learn about a different period in history.

We will also be continuing our learning about the geography of the UK. We will also learn about the difference between human and physical features and make maps of our local area.

Additional optional homework ideas:

  • Maths – can you practise your adding and subtracting?
  • Writing – can you write your own story?
  • R.E – can you retell the Easter story?
  • Computing – can you practise logging on?
  • Science – can you design a raincoat for your teddy bear? What material would you make it out of?


Autumn Term

Welcome to the Autumn section of our class page.  You can find out about what we are learning this term by clicking here to see the Year 1 parent curriculum letter.


Science: Animals including Humans
Our Big Question 'Are they all called animals even if they are so different?'

As part of this topic, children will learn to identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. They will also find out what carnivores, herbivores and omnivores are. Finally, they will learn how to compare and descrbe the structures and features of a range of common animals, including labelling parts of the human body.  We will be finding out about two inspiring scientists, the zoologist Libby Hyman and the primatologist Jane Goodall. 


Humanities: Changes Within Living Memory. 
Our Big Question 'How has life changed?

We will learn about the past, present and future and share memories from our lives. We will also make comparisons about old and new objects, asking questions about what they are used for. In Geography we will learn about human and physical features and use precise geographic terms to describe them accurately. We will also be looking at maps and learning some of the features of maps. We will also notice and record changes in the seasons as the term goes on.


Supporting Learning at Home


Homework is sent out every Friday and should be completed by the following Friday.  Please remember that your role is to support the children - not do the work for them.

Homework is set online using Numbots, Doodle maths and spelling frame. Log on each week to see your set activities. Your child will have a homework book with passwords and guidance on letter formation. Use this book for free writing and return it to school each Friday for your teacher to look at. 

If you need any help with the homework then please come and chat to me.  I am always happy to go through it with you.


Children need to read at home every day with an adult. Your child will take home a decodeable book matched to their phonics levels. These will be changed every Friday to provide opportunities for your child to re-read the same text over several days. Once a week they will also get a bedtime story book to help develop their love of story as well as their vocabulary. Please record a comment each day in the yellow reading journal and return it to scohol - we will check these each day. 



Phase 3 Phonics Pronunciation

Phase 2 Phonics Pronunciation

Phase 5 Phonics Pronunciation

Busy Things

BBC Bitesize

Doodle Maths

Spelling Frame